Did Democrats Cause Crash?

October 10, 2008

Let’s put this in perspective.  The entire global banking system is imploding.  Governments across the entire planet are propping up, buying, nationalizing, insuring, lending to nearly every bank and investment firm in existence.   Those not yet affected will be affected by those presently failing as well as those yet to fail.  They all rely on each other.  When one fails another loses assets.  It is a positive feedback loop with devastating consequences. 

As we ask ourselves, did the democrats cause this, we have to put it all in perspective with this question;  Is is possible that a calamity of this magnitude was caused by Barney’s equal housing campaign?  Let’s think this through.  The sub-prime market was but a small piece of the global economy.  There ARE many factors at play.  Sub-prime is only one of them.  Congress may have encouraged sub-prime experimentation.  Congress did not pass any piece of legislation, though, directing any bank or investment firm to abuse derivatives or credit default swaps.  This problem is exponentially bigger than a trillion odd dollars in sub-prime  mortgages that still have a true present and future cash value.   

The Bush administration did in fact push this bubble up and up and up.  Please open a new browser window, go to www.google.com and put the words Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in the search window.  Dig and dig, America.  There is plenty of blame to go around, and much of it lands squarely on the Bush administration. 

All this said, within the past three weeks John McCain said the economy is fundamentally sound.   We now know without any doubt that John McCain’s understanding of the gravity of the situation could not have been more wrong.  John McCain is not qualified to lead America at this time.   Sit down, John.  Take a deep breath.  Then retire.

Go to:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subprime_mortgage_crisis

4 Responses to “Did Democrats Cause Crash?”

  1. […]  Banking Crisis: https://lehmanbrothers.wordpress.com/2008/10/10/did-democrats-cause-crash/ […]

  2. freeamericanfornow said

    The democrats did cause the crash of the economy. Think about, who do we have more of in government? Democats and that is also when the economy crash. When are people going to wake up and realize the real facts.

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